
Years of experience
with textile production

Gestartet sind wir mit dem nachhaltigen Modelabel Vresh schon 2012 und seither haben wir immer wieder Merchandise Projekte begleitet. Seit 2017 sind wir ganz offiziell mit Das Merch. am Start.


Permanent employees
in production

Ganz genau wissen wir es noch nicht, aber momentan beschäftigen wir in unseren Offices in Linz und Fafe und in den Produktionsbetrieben unserer Partner* innen etwa 30 Mitarbeiter* innen Vollzeit. Wir versuchen aktuell eine genauere Berechnung zu erstellen und teilen diese dann hier.


Satisfied customers
(as of 05.24)

Wieso steht hier nicht 100%? Weil das nicht die Wahrheit ist. Wir geben bei jedem Projekt unser Bestes, aber bei physischen Produkten gibt es ab und zu Probleme. Sofern du möchtest finden wir gemeinsam immer eine Lösung, denn man kann über alles reden.


Projects since 2020

Seit 2017 versorgen wir die Welt mit fairem und nachhaltigen Merchandise-Artikeln. Jedes Jahr kommen ein paar hundert Projekte dazu und jedes einzelne trägt dazu bei, dass wir die Textilindustrie ein kleines Stückchen besser machen.

Dein Merch wird zum Liebling im Kleider-schrank deiner Mitarbeiter*innen und Kund*innen.

High-End-Merchandise, das bei Klamotten in Designerqualität easy mithalten kann.

100% Transparent.
100 % Fair.
100 % made in the EU.
100 % for YOU.

Your one-
stop shop.

With our own production site in northern Portugal

Free design draft within minutes

Absolutely cool and unmistakable designs

All sizes and also unusual patterns

Say bye
bye to:

Boring merchandise and cheap products

Employees who wear your merch because they MUST

Exploitative and unfair working conditions

Our Gos
and no-gos!

With our own production site in northern Portugal

50 pieces minimum order quantity

Production time of 8-10 weeks

No print-on-demand service

Arrange an initial consultation

Cap Merch von Das Merch, maßgeschneidert und nachhaltig

Be there when we change the textile industry!

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifest 001

We want to change the textile industry. Something new every day. With sustainable production and responsible consumer behavior, we can do that too. Together with our customers. Together with our partners. We are proud of that.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

100% transparent. 100% fair.

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifest 002

We create maximum transparency for our customers. They are well informed about production processes and materials. This makes it easier for them to choose us.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

We have the right chemistry. Because we don't use any!

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifesto 003

We treat our fellow human beings and nature with respect. Our employees are fairly paid and their rights are respected. Almost exclusively environmentally friendly materials and production methods come “in-house”.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

You're not the only one who likes our merch. The environment too.

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifesto 004

We invest in “ourselves”, reflect on what we do, perfect procedures and processes. For the continuous development of our products. And to reduce our environmental footprint.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

without yields.

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifesto 005

We make a positive contribution to society. By creating jobs, supporting non-profit organizations and promoting social projects.
contribution to society. By creating jobs, supporting non-profit organizations and promoting social projects.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

You have the

No one has to tell you what you want your merch to look like. Because no one knows better than you what is best for equipping your team and presenting your brand. That's why you're telling us what it should look like. If you need help making your merch look like designer clothes, we're here! And that's exactly how we produce, print and embroider your merch. Ready?

Arrange an initial consultation

The craziest idea is completely normal for us!

5 steps to your merch that everyone thinks is “awesome”!

2nd step

Go in an initial consultation
We your ideas
and ideas about your
Merchandise through.
We will advise you on this
And show you everything
is possible.

4th step

As soon as you get the bill
Have paid, does yours go
Order directly to our
production partners and
Let's start your favorite merch

1st step

Get in touch with us and let us know
your concern with. Or use
our configurator to directly
with the design for your merch
Get started.

3rd step

When we sort out all the details
Have and you have the design
LOVE, do you get a
final offer from us.

5th step

After production is complete
Do you get your products
to your desired location
delivered. Then we'll get back to you
Back at your place to watch
whether you're really happy.

1st step

Get in touch with us and let us know
your concern with. Or use
our configurator to directly
with the design for your merch
Get started.

2nd step

Go in an initial consultation
We your ideas
and ideas about your
Merchendise through.
We will advise you on this
And show you everything
is possible.

3rd step

When we sort out all the details
Have and you have the design
LOVE, do you get a
final offer from us.

4th step

As soon as you get the bill
Have paid, does yours go
Order directly to our
Production partners and us
Start your favorite merch

5th step

After production is complete
Do you get your products
to your desired location
delivered Then we'll get back to you
With you again to watch
whether you're really happy.

initial consultation

Your merch will be the
Your team's favorite clothes!

Wearing without yield.

About us

Our second home Portugal.

For this, we need one thing in particular: a textile producer who shares the same values. And for which fairness and sustainability are not just empty words, but a must-have. We found this producer in Portugal. And more than that. We now have our own office in Portugal and have established a production network of around 15 partners. In this way, we control every step and keep an eye on the entire supply chain. And the most important thing: We are there with our hearts too. Maintain local friendships. And you can feel this honesty, this emotional connection in every hoodie, every T-shirt, every product we make. Do you feel it too?

Learn more

Design your merch the way you want it.

What are you waiting for? Your employees finally need cool company clothes!


What shipping options are available to me?

We offer various shipping options, from standard to express. Depending on your location and the urgency of your order, we can arrange custom shipping solutions for you. Delivery to several locations is also possible.

How can I get personalized samples for our products?

For orders of 500 pieces or more, we will create a paid sample on request after the order has been placed. For small orders, we can send you a package with various customer projects. You can easily book this package here.

What does sustainable production mean at Das Merch?

Sustainability is at the core of our brand. We use materials from ethically responsible sources almost exclusively (more than 95% of all orders) and work with production partners who are committed to environmentally friendly practices. In addition to sustainable materials, all textiles are produced in the EU. We have a personal relationship with our production partners and employ a tailor shop with around 10 employees in Fafe, Portugal. In addition, we only work with GOTS-certified printing companies. If you want to know more, click here.

Can I reorder my merchandise exactly the same even after a long period of time?

Since we manufacture the products directly and do not use blanks from other brands, we can still produce your desired product for several years. Should a material or accessory no longer be available from one of our production partners for any reason, we will find an individual solution for you with our team in Portugal.

What design options does Das Merch have?

Feel free to try out our configurator to see how your design looks best on the various products. However, if you have any specific questions, feel free to contact our team with your concerns.

How can I get an offer for my merchandise?

The fastest way is, of course, our configurator. Live pricing is integrated there, so you can see how the price changes with every design change. If you need a written offer, please contact us using this form.

What is the minimum order quantity (MOQs)?

Our minimum order quantities start at 50 pieces per design. This means that you can order a t-shirt or hoodie in different sizes, but you must buy 50 pieces of the same T-shirt in the same color with the same design. For socks, we have a minimum quantity of 300 pairs per size range (e.g. 39-42 or 43-46). Take a look at our configurator. There you can see exactly how much your design costs in production.

How long does it take on average for my order to be delivered?

Delivery times vary depending on product type and order quantity. We can deliver some products such as T-shirts and hoodies in our standard colors in around 4 weeks, but in principle, you should always plan for 8 weeks. For specific time estimates depending on your order, please contact our customer service.

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