More sustain-ability with fabric and style

We have set ourselves the task of revolutionizing the textile industry. Our goal is to combine sustainability with fair working conditions and prices.

About our team


Jahre Erfahrung
mit Textilproduktion

Gestartet sind wir mit dem nachhaltigen Modelabel Vresh schon 2012 & seither haben wir immer wieder Merchandise Projekte begleitet. Seit 2017 sind wir ganz offiziell mitDas Merch. am Start.


in der Produktion

Zu diesem Zeitpunktbeschäftigen wir in unseren Offices in Linz und Fafe sowie in den Produktionsbetrieben unserer Partner*innen um die 30 Mitarbeiter*innen in Vollzeit.- Tendenz steigend.


Zufriedene Kunden (Stand 05.2024)

Wieso steht hier nicht 100%? Weil das nicht die Wahrheit ist. Wir geben bei jedem Projekt unser Bestes, aber, wie bei allen physischen Produkten läuft nicht immer alles perfekt. Wir bemühen uns aber immer mit unseren Kunden eine zufriedenstellende Lösung zu finden.


Abgeschlossene Projekte seit 2020

Seit 2017 versorgenwir die Welt mit fairemund nachhaltigen Merchandiseartikeln. Jedes Jahr kommenein paar  hundertProjekte dazu und jedes einzelne trägt dazu bei, dass wir die Textil-industrie ein kleines Stückchen besser machen.

The success story

Is an idea possible. Then it is feasible for us.

When we started in 2012, one thing was immediately clear to us: We want to do it BETTER! That is why we only considered sustainable, fair production. With exploitation, unfair payment, environmental pollution, etc., we did not want to be wary of anything from the outset (or rather: hoddie). Even today, we have not deviated a millimetre from this conviction. Because we know very well what we are planning to do: Change the textile industry!

About our team

Be there when we change the textile industry!

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifest 001

We want to change the textile industry. Something new every day. With sustainable production and responsible consumer behavior, we can do that too. Together with our customers. Together with our partners. We are proud of that.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

100% transparent. 100% fair.

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifest 002

We create maximum transparency for our customers. They are well informed about production processes and materials. This makes it easier for them to choose us.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

We have the right chemistry. Because we don't use any!

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifesto 003

We treat our fellow human beings and nature with respect. Our employees are fairly paid and their rights are respected. Almost exclusively environmentally friendly materials and production methods come “in-house”.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

You're not the only one who likes our merch. The environment too.

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifesto 004

We invest in “ourselves”, reflect on what we do, perfect procedures and processes. For the continuous development of our products. And to reduce our environmental footprint.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

without yields.

The merch.

You're part of it.

Manifesto 005

We make a positive contribution to society. By creating jobs, supporting non-profit organizations and promoting social projects.
contribution to society. By creating jobs, supporting non-profit organizations and promoting social projects.

Customzied merch
from Austria.
Produced in the EU.
And nowhere else.

Our Vresh & Das merch. Space

Shop - showroom - office

After 12 years in Eferding, it was time for a change of scenery in 2018. Together with the architect Duo Claus & Gregor, we launched the project “Vresh & Das Merch. Space” at Tabakfabrik Linz. We chose these two architects because it was important to us that we not only have a beautiful interior design, but that our story and brands are represented with a focus on sustainability. Since we wanted to keep our CO2 emissions as low as possible, we tried to recycle everything and buy second-hand. Regardless of whether you are interested in our products or sustainability, you should definitely visit us in our new space.

Meet our
Dream team.


CEO & Founder

Tirelessly because he fell into the coffee kettle as a small child. Almost trained marine biologist, not only breeds fish but also lots of ideas and creates a fun atmosphere in the office. He is also a hobby soccer player and food blogger.


Design & account management

Valerie originally studied interior design and furniture making, but now she supports the design and account management team! Instead of sitting on the couch, she designs the most creative merch socks. Valerie is also very sociable and works in various associations! It won't be boring with her in the office, because it always has to be a bit of fun with her.


Account Management

Our haven of peace and at the same time she has everything in view. Not only has she been eating vegetarian for half her life, but also delicious blueberry cake, which the entire team has already become addicted to. She likes to regain her inner peace at yoga retreats and is very interested in interior design. She doesn't have any winter holidays, because when it comes to snow, cold weather and winter, Eva says “No!”



The maker, that's how we would describe her. Denise doesn't ask long - she just does it! When chaos breaks out in the camp, Denise comes and sets everything up. She draws her energy from her evening running sessions and passes it on to her little nephews, among others. And it also presents any merch ideas graphically, with a lot of taste - that's obvious!


Account Management

Started in the marketing team, then also helped out in the account management team and now Verena is completely dedicated to our customers and their wishes as an account manager. We assume that she always acquires your patience while tinkering with Sudoku, because she does it well and likes to do that! She spends the rest of the time with her family and friends, baking goodies and also likes to play a game or two on the console.

Together on the mission
Mission inpossible.

Our producers in Portugal.

Our mission is clear: We want to change the textile industry for the better. We believe that sustainable fashion from fair production is possible at a fair price and that we can make a difference together with our producers and customers.

Learn more

You've got the dreams, we've got the stuff!

But now we've talked about ourselves long enough. Let yourself be impressed by our wide and sustainable range of products. Go ahead and let your creativity run wild, because don't forget: The sky is the limt!


How can I get personalized samples for our products?
How can I get an offer for my merchandise?
How long does it take on average for my order to be delivered?
What is the minimum order quantity (MOQs)?
What shipping options are available to me?
What design options does Das Merch have?
What does sustainable production mean at Das Merch?
Can I reorder my merchandise exactly the same even after a long period of time?

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